Uroofalc for newborns from japless: Form, Composition, Properties, Indications, Dosage, Contraindications, Side Effects, Analogs


When the baby, the child is important to assist correctly. This uses URSOFALK.

Physiological jaundice In the first days after birth at kids, this phenomenon is considered frequent and normal, but if it lasts for several days. After 2 or 3 days, most newborn yellowing of the skin disappears.

However, there are such cases when some newborn babies have a long-haired skin for a long time. In such situations, the doctor does not appoint a doctor because it is capable of the abyss independently if the parents comply with the Pediatrician recommendations.

But what to do, when the jaundice begins to move in more severe stages? Doctors simply prescribe special treatment with medicines. Doctors advise young parents to give the baby the drug Uroofalk, which helps to cope with the jaundice.

Form, the composition of the drug URSOFALK

The drug is produced in the form of capsules and suspension. But the newborn is discharged in liquid form. Capsules must be swallowed, therefore, they can be prescribed to children who are 3 years old. The main active component of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid. This substance is in the composition of bile.

Also, the drug consists of:

  • Water.
  • Glycerol. This component acts as a sweetener. Thanks to it, substances are dissolved in suspensions. Gliecel is considered safe for the children's body, so it is often used during the manufacture of nutrition for children.
  • Xylitol. This substance is considered a sugar substitute for natural origin, which reacts with the rest of the substances without changing their composition.
  • Sodium chloride. Thanks to it, other components of drugs dissolve.
  • Benzoic acid. It is a preservative, providing a long shelf life of the medicine.
  • Sodium citrate. This nutritional supplement is considered to be additive due to which the taste is enhanced, the consistency of the drug is preserved.
  • Propylene glycol. This is a diluent, which in pure form does not possess generally aroma and taste.
  • Anhydrous citric acid. Because of this component, the medicine acquires an acidic taste.
  • Aromatizer lemon.


This medicinal product can be stored for 4 months after opening the bottle.

Properties Urolfalk

The tool is produced by European companies. It refers to the category of hepatoprotectors. This means that the drug can treat the liver, plus it from a variety of negative factors.

It is worth highlighting the following qualities of the drug:

  • Stimulates the functionality of the cells from which the liver consists. Due to the use of this product, each cell has more actively produces enzymes that are responsible for eliminating Billubin.
  • Due to the taking medication, the bile does not stir, faster leaves the body.
  • The drug is struggling with a high percentage of cholesterol, with stones. Thanks to him, cholesterol is actively excreted, and with him and the remains of bile.
  • Improves the work of the immune system, it is able to strengthen the protective properties of the body of a small child.
  • Protective cell quality changes.
  • Contributes to improving the production of gastric juice.
  • Thanks to the medium, fabrics in the liver do not increase and do not increase.
  • The medicine blocks the processes due to which veins are expanding.
  • Negatively affects malignant neoplasms, slows down their development.


The assimilation of the drug is carried out in the small intestine. The medicine is absorbed very slowly, its effectiveness is a maximum of 80%. The active components that penetrate the blood stream are usually in the liver, a little decay is in the intestine.

A means of minimum for 3 days and a maximum of 5 days are output. The output occurs with the feces. The medicine for therapy can accumulate in the body, but it is completely excreted after the patient ceases to accept it.

Indications for the use of URSOFALK drug

The drug is prescribed if the patient has the following diseases:

  • Gallgame pathology, which is due to an increase in cholesterol.
  • Reflux gastritis having a biliary view.
  • During the initial stage of the liver cirrhosis.

The newborn is discharged during the treatment of the jaundice. And all because the children's body to the environment After the baby leaves the maternal womb, it begins to gradually get used to it. The functions of the young organism are rebuilt on new breathing methods. Between the crumb and mom, the exchange of oxygen occurred using a protein.



While addictive to other, unfamiliar conditions, the protein begins to be removed from the body. In this case, there is an increase in the level of hemoglobin, which is involved in the cells obtained oxygen. During the collapse of an unnecessary protein, bilirubin occurs, which begins to be outlined with urine. In a huge amount, this substance leads to intoxication of the body.

After the baby is born, his body is not yet able to cope with the swollen particles of hemoglobin. As a result, bilirubin begins to accumulate in the blood and tissues, which provokes changes in skin shade.

The following symptoms may also occur:

  • Yellow eye proteins, epidermis.
  • The child becomes sluggish.
  • The baby worries a convulsive state.

One of the first methods of treating the disease is the use of photolampa. If signs are present 2 weeks and more, the child is prescribed blood for the presence of bilirubin. If its level is very high, a comprehensive treatment is prescribed using medicines. Such treatment is aimed at cleaning the liver from toxins, the development of enzymes that cope with bilirubin increased.

Dosage for UROSofalk

Since the Uroofalk is considered a drug, it cannot be appointed and the baby independently. There is a classic dosage of the drug. It all depends on the disease itself or the state of the patient. But the doctor has the right to change the dose on its own discretion, assign an individual therapy scheme. At the same time, the doctor tries to repel from his experience, the overall picture of the disease, the characteristics of the patient, analyzes, research testimony.

The doctor discharges the patient that the drug that is most comfortable to consume in one way or another. Often the dose is prescribed taking into account the mass of the patient's body.

Depending on body weight

Depending on body weight

The newborn during the jossing is given the drug as follows:

  • Pigeons prescribed an extremely suspension. She has a pleasant sweet taste, therefore, kids with pleasure drinking medicine.
  • If the disease in the baby has a complex form, then the drug is prescribed, given its weight and data obtained.
  • An individual dose can only be installed at the attending children's doctor.

Approximately newborns are assigned such dosages:

  • If the weight of the karapuse is not more than 5 kg, then it is recommended to give 1 \\ 2 ml.
  • If the weight of the baby is from 5 kg and a maximum of 8 kg, then it is recommended to give a per day not more than 1.25 ml.

Reception of medication does not concern in general meals. However, time plays a huge role during treatment. Many processes proceed in the liver at night. At the same time, the liver when is horizontally, relaxed as much as possible, and therefore susceptible to the effects of the drug. Consequently, the doctor's medicinal tool advise to give a child 1 time per day in the evening.

The duration of the course of treatment doctor defines each individual. Often the drug is used while the baby does not disappear the symptoms of the illness. Since the medicine is considered highly efficient, as a rule, the amount of bilirubin decreases quite quickly, for several days. Therefore, on the course of the entire treatment of 1 bottle will be enough.

You can speed up the kid significantly, if the Karapuz will drink the medicine and regularly under the sunny rays. From ultraviolet rays and drug at the same time bilirubin in the upper layer of skin acquires a water-soluble form. In such a state, the substance is displayed along with the components of life. But with this treatment it is necessary to take into account time limits. The best time when the baby can be taken on a sunny day to the street - no later than 11 hours of the day. If the weather is cool, you can replace the sun rays with a photo film.

Contraindications, side effects of URSOFALK

As a result of various studies that were conducted in laboratories, the drug reception is not particularly desirable to the newborn, if he had found the following agers:

  • Heavy liver disease.
  • Disorders associated with the functionality of the kidneys, as well as the liver.
  • With inflammation of the gallbladder, intestines.
  • If the kid does not tolerate the main acting component of the drug or additional substances.

In practice, it was shown that very many small karapuses suffer the medicine well enough.

For newborns

For newborns

But it is possible that the newborn may have the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea.
  • Bad, breaking sleep.
  • Strong anxiety.
  • Allergy in the form of itching on the skin, urticaria.
  • Unexpected shinking.

During the use of the medication, it is necessary to ensure that the child behaves. Did not have red spots on the skin, rash and other side effects. If such arise, you need to urgently turn to the doctor.

Analogs for small babies that can be replaced by URSOFALK

In pharmacies you can meet several drugs that are suitable for their own actions:

  • Ursosan. Produced in the form of capsules, the contents of which can be dissolved in milk.
  • Galestien. These are droplets, which contains therapeutic herbs, for example, a millet, dandelion.
  • Hepel. These tablets can be dissolved in the liquid.
  • Elkar. Liquid suspension in which the main component is levokarnitin.
  • Hofitol. Suspension with extract of artichoke leaves.

Video: Jaundice drug in newborns