What kind of sport to choose a child?

What kind of sport to choose a child?

At the end of the summer holidays, with the beginning of classes in school or hiking in kindergarten, the physical activity of children is recession. First of all, it affects the healthy state of the child, it becomes sluggish, quickly comes fatigue. This occurs as a result of a lack of oxygen muscular mass, as a result of which physical endurance decreases. The lessons of physical education in the school institution is not enough to support muscle tone, as classes are held no more than one hour. To support the physical fitness and a healthy spirit, you can visit sports sections for children who will help to take free time and support healthy guys.

Physical Education

Choice of the sports section

Before you decide what kind of sports, it is worth finding out what a sports organization is more suitable for him in the age category. In the younger age of 2 to 4 years old can be engaged in a gymnastic circle. Here will be a set of mobile games, gymnastic movements aimed at the development and general strengthening of the body. The guys engaged in similar circles grow more decisive, purposeful, without a feeling of stiffness. Also, children are raised by the rates of upbringing and respect for the elders.

At the age of four, you can find sports sections for children more active. Girls are more suitable for rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, swimming, ballet. This kind of mugs will help to have not only an elegant figure in the future, but also will increase personal self-esteem. Boys can go to the school of martial arts or sign up to the pool. You can also consider sections with a team sport. Command classes will strengthen the sporting spirit, volitional qualities will appear, focus the concentration of attention.


In the younger age, boys can be recorded immediately into several sports schools. Radiant, they themselves will be able to decide what kind of occupation to choose. By 8-10 years, children can clearly decide in which area they will develop.

Another sport suitable for a four-year-old age is considered to be a school of figure skating, which is suitable for both boys and girls. The physical culture of this kind is particularly well suitable for children having congenital tiles or flatfoot. Figure skating normalizes the coordination of movements, strengthens the vegetative system and serve as a flexibility.

What if the child disappeared interest in sports?

Most often it is what it happens that it is distinguished by the children, the children lose interest in such circles, as a result of which they completely refuse to attend classes not only in sections, but also at school. In such cases, parents need patience and assistance to impassable chad. At the age of 10-14 years, team nature will be the best sport. They will raise a sense of victory, will be patient, will affect the development of volitional qualities. Also, giving your baby to children's sports sections, you can ask what kind of sport it is inclined more, as parental dreams can differ significantly from children. If he is like classes in the team, offer to sign up for a hockey or football section. If the baby is active and nonsense, offer to visit the Circle on Aikido. Such sections will help direct their energy in the right direction.


Before going to a circle, look a few options on which you will practice personally, and let the child independently decide on the choice. It should be remembered that the success and development of a healthy spirit depends on the selected interests shown to physical classes, and the pleasure that he will receive, visiting the sports section. Do not force a child to do what he does not like: Let him choose a lesson in the shower. And if you are so categorical in your decision, go for concessions: let the child go to classes that you chose, and attends the section that he chose himself.