How to quickly sit on the twine? Exercises for stretching


The article presents advice, how quickly and without injury to sit on the twine.

Spade is beautiful. In addition, the skill sits on the twine is an indicator of flexibility and sportiness.

Each person has different opportunities in stretching. It depends on the structure of the bone system, the withdrawal of the joints and the ability of muscles and tensile ligaments.

Some quickly and in the shortest possible time are sitting on the twine, and the months of workouts are required by the other.

Children under 10 years old have soft muscles and ligaments, so it's easier to sit on the twine at a young age. The older the person becomes, the harder it is to sit on the twine.
But there is nothing impossible!
With diligent workouts, absolutely anyone can conquer the twine.

Spagat - how to quickly sit on the twine?

  • Twine is a common exercise in gymnastics and various types of choreography (modern and classical). The basic condition of the twine is 180 degrees' leg breeding. Spagate is longitudinal and transverse
  • It is necessary to split in order to reduce the atrocity when performing all sorts of movements and pa. Even if you are not engaged in dancing or gymnastics, the twine will help your tendons to be plastic
  • Not everyone can sit on the twine. This is due to the fact that a person has a bad tranquility of hip joints
  • The sword has contraindications. It is impossible to stretch if back pain, cracks in the bones, problems with joints or high pressure
  • It is impossible to sit quickly on the twine. Each has its own frames - from two weeks to several months. Quickly sit on the twine can be fraught with muscle tissue rupture
  • To sit on a split, regular workouts are needed. If you can stretch daily - it will increase the chances of sitting on the twine quickly
  • As a rule, it sits on a longitudinal twine easier than the transverse one. But there are exceptions
  • To sit on the twine little to have a good stretching of the legs, you need to have a good stretching of the loin, feet and caviar. Therefore, stretch complex.
How do the splits

How do the splits

Longitudinal and transverse sword - Photo (1)

Longitudinal sword



Transverse sword

Twine per day - quickly and right

  • So that you have the opportunity to sit on the twine, keep daily. At least 20 minutes a day do stretch
  • Start stretching with workout and study of joints, it will help to avoid injury.
  • So that the stretching passed painlessly, well warm the muscles. Some ways: Mahi legs, run, jumping on the rope
  • Stretching should bring a pleasant pain. If you feel strong burning, thread and intolerable pain, you need to reduce the load
  • Stretching on the twine requires a gradual approach. You must delay in every exercise from 30 seconds to 5 minutes
  • Attend collective yoga or stretching classes. There you will be taught correctly sits on the twine, without harm to health.
Longitudinal sword

Longitudinal sword

Exercises for twine - independently learn twine, instruction

  • Start a workout with warming up. Make circular movements by all joints on the legs: feet, knees, hip joints. You must feel the slight tension in the muscles.
  • Preheat muscles. Start with 20 squats. Sat as deep as possible to feel muscle tension. Knees should not be behind the fingers of the legs during squats. Then make Mahi feet: Forward, Block and back. In each direction - at least 10 times
  • If you can make it run. This is one of the best ways to heat the leg muscles.
  • After heating, you can proceed to stretch. Starting with stretching the back of the thigh. To do this, put your feet on your shoulder width, tilt the housing as low as possible. The body body must be as relaxed as much as possible, try to touch your palms to the floor. Feel the tension of the muscles and delay in this post per minute
  • Then make tilts to each leg. 5 - 10 slopes at which you feel tension
  • Stretch the muscles of ICR. Stop your leg back, leaning about the support. Do not curb the foot
  • Next exercise will sit down. One foot should be adjusted, and deteriorate. There should be an angle of 90 degrees between the legs. We lend to the leg several times, and then fix the pose for a minute. Do this exercise for every leg
  • Such an exercise as "Zhabka" will help develop feeding. Lie on the floor stomach down, adjust your knees and twist the feet together. You will feel pain, and this is normal. Relax and lie in such a post a few minutes
  • To stretch to transverse twine, lay down your legs as possible. Now lean forward, feeling muscle tension
  • After all exercises need a small rest
  • If the exercises are easy to, start sitting on the twine. The first time between the floor and legs will be the distance, but over time it will disappear.
Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises

Twine at home - how to sit down correctly?

All listed exercises can be easily done at home. Do not hurry and make exercises regularly, not missing any. Stretching can be excellent way to relax after a hard day. After it, the load on the muscles of the legs is reduced, you feel ease and eye.

Speat at home

Speat at home

Home Stretching - How to sit on a longitudinal and transverse split?

  • Houses are harder to discipline itself. Therefore, at least 2 times a week group classes
  • There are some simple exercises that can be done simultaneously with other affairs (for example, with a TV viewing or reading a book)
  • For the exercise it will take a wide wall. Lie back on the floor and hide the feet of the wall. Firmly press the pelvis to the wall and spread the legs to the sides. Daily learn in such a posture of 15 minutes. This is the perfect exercise to sit on the transverse split
  • Diverse your exercises. Basic exercises must be performed daily. But sometimes perform new exercises that use completely different muscle groups.
  • Listen to the feelings of your body. Those exercises that are harder must be performed more often and longer.

How to sit on a twine without preparing? - Practical advice

  • If you were engaged in gymnastics, dancing or other sports, where stretching was present, it would be easier to sit on the twine. A person has the so-called "muscle memory"
  • Your food really affects the ability of muscle to stretch. Reduce the consumption of salt and meat products so that stretching is easier. Also, drink more clean water
  • There are a few secrets of the athletes that will achieve unimaginable results in an extension. The most important thing - it is to warm up the muscles. Not always exercise can cope with it. It helps to warm up your muscles taking a hot bath. Also, athletes use a special ointment warming that affect the muscles
  • Because of physiological reasons found that during the critical days in women more plastic muscles. Given that heavy loads can not be engaged in these days, take the time for a quiet stretch
  • Take your time, and all must succeed. The main thing do not miss workouts, and the result will not take long!
Twine for beginners

Twine for beginners

Sat down on the twine, sore muscles - what to do?

  • If you do the first stretch you can confuse the pain in the muscles. Particularly acute is felt on the day after exercise
  • Do not be afraid of such natural pain during exercise. It arises due to the release of lactic acid in the muscles. The longer you do it, the less you will have to visit a pain
  • Experts' opinions diverge over whether further studies during the pain allowed. Some emphasize that the classes will help to disperse the lactic acid and the next day the pain will disappear. You can simply reduce the pressure, but exercise does not cancel
  • To ease the pain take a hot bath. Another way - to buy ointment for sprains and sore muscles spread.

How do the splits in 10 minutes?

There is a joke that the splits in 10 minutes only from fright or on ice.

In any case, you should not heroics. But the daily 10 minute workout will lead to the desired twine

  • 10 minutes is not enough for a full stretch, so the process can take several months
  • Alternative - occupation by stretching in a special group (which lasts about one hour), three times per week
  • Other days - 10 minute self-training. This embodiment is as effective as daily exercise lasting
  • The allotted 10 minutes, take some time over the muscle. Especially the "problem" in a fixed tension leave for a couple of minutes.
Quickly the splits

Quickly the splits

Stretching for beginners, yarn for beginners - Guides & Reviews

  • Regular training - key to success
  • Do not overdo it. Do not suffer too much pain. But understand that does not happen you have to stretch without pain
  • Do a full range of exercises, stretching all the muscles in the legs. On add new exercises as needed
  • Do not forget to warm up and disperse the muscles
  • Muscle pain after stretching is a common phenomenon. Do not let her break your plans
  • Clear correctly, reduce the number of salt consumed and drink plenty of water.
  • We often spend slow stretch. Sharp movements, especially for not preheated ligaments, are dangerous.

Stretching on the twine - video


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