Is it possible to carrot juice with breastfeeding nursing mom and infant? When, how many months can you give carrot juice to the child?


In this article, we would like to tell you how to get carrot juice to the child and mom with breastfeeding. This drink is useful, but this question has their own nuances.

The fact that carrots is a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements - a fact known to us since childhood. However, the young mother always worries the question of whether it is possible to take certain products to her and the baby. Will there be allergic reactions, will there be a stomach disorder near the crumbs? These questions are definitely defined.

When, how many months can you give carrot juice to the child?

Young mother should be borne in mind that, despite the wide range of useful properties, carrot juice it is important to include crumbs gradually in the diet. And gradually in the literal sense of the word - the baby should get acquainted with this useful drink still in the maternal womb.

Important: Carrot juice in the diet of a pregnant woman must be included in mandatory. However, no more than 500 millilitres per day.

Next with a useful and delicious drink a child gets acquainted during feeding with maternal breasts. It is not necessary to skip this stage in any way, since this juice is superbly coping with the task of milk saturation with vitamins.

As for the feeding of the juice directly to the baby, then it is recommended to do it from 5 months. And up to two years must stick next dosage - Not more than three times a week and no more than 50 milliliters.

With carrot juice, the baby should be acquainted in the womb

With carrot juice, the baby should be acquainted in the womb

Is it possible to carrot juice with breastfeeding nursing mom?

Nursing mother carrot juice included in its diet not only possible, but also necessary! The thing is that:

  • In such a drink contained Vitamins A, almost a complete set of Vitamins in Vitamins in, E, C, RR, K. In addition, a set of trace elements is also impressive - this is iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, copper, fructose and glucose
  • Crumbling disorders is not observed, you can not even worry about this
  • And the mother, and the kid, the organs of view leather and teeth are supported in good condition. Such diseases as conjunctivitis are faster
  • Improves appetite, normalizes the process of digestion, breathing and nervous systems work better.
  • Problems with skin and liver are immediately reduced to "no"

It is important: however, there are always exceptions - in this case, these are allergic reactions, gastritis, stomach ulcers.

 Nursing mother to eat carrot juice is just necessary

Nursing mother to eat carrot juice is just necessary

How to make carrot juice with breastfeeding mom and child?

  • The most important rule is you can use exclusively fresh juice. Either a woman prepares him independently or buys in the pharmacy network, in which you can find products for nursing mothers. As for those juices that are usually purchased, it is worth refusing to refuse - preservatives, sweeteners and flavors improve the quality of milk clearly do not contribute
  • Special benefits will be from carrot if combine it with other vegetables and fruits. So, the perfect supplement will serve juices from pumpkin, green apple, pomegranate, celery, beets
In carrot juice, add a good celery juice

In carrot juice, add a good celery juice

  • Exclude from the diet Flour products, as well as those products that contain starch, concentrated sugar. The fact is that the vitamin complex of carrot juice in combination with the above-mentioned products is poorly absorbed
  • When the juice is added to the kid's diet either in its own diet, always look at his reaction - what a previously suitable one child came up, it can not always be suitable for another
  • Carefully choose raw materials for juice - So, the blackened and bitter carrot is unequivocal not to take

Important: Do not buy a washing carrot that can be stored for several months. The latter means that they do not want to eat even fungi and bacteria.

  • In the manufacture of juice should be used Several layers of gauze and plastic cooker
Here is such a cooler should be used to prepare carrot juice

Here is such a cooler should be used to prepare carrot juice

  • Carrot before cooking the juice must pass a special processing, Namely, washing using the brush, the removal of the core and the tops, soaking 2 hours in water. Then it is carefully wiping and pressed
  • If you enter juice in the kid's diet in pure form, give it after breastfeeding
  • As for the mother itself, it is worth using this miraculous drink. natoskom. And juice should be made shortly beforeOtherwise, useful beta carotene will quickly collapse when contacting air
  • Well absorbed carrot juice in combination with sour cream, milk, cream, sunflower or olive oil
Carrot always combined perfectly with sour cream

Carrot always combined perfectly with sour cream

Vegetable cocktails are an excellent addition to a diet of a nursing mother. And carrot juice in this case - what you need! Do not be afraid to include this drink in the diet, but it is important to carefully follow the reaction of the child.