Developing tasks for children 5-6 years old: the development of mathematical abilities, speech, attention and memory, thinking, physical, creative development, as well as the development of shallow motility hands. Interesting environmental information, as well as the development of social skills of the preschooler

Little Boy Counting His Savings

In this material, we will look at exercises that will have a positive effect on the development of the child in 5-6 years.

When the child is 5 years old, parents begin to prepare for one of the most important events - admission to the first class. At this age, children intensify the desire to study the world around. They appear the ability to analyze and memorize a large amount of information. Next, you will learn what tasks for children at such age should be offered to develop their logic and thinking.

Developing tasks for children 5-6 years: Development of mathematical abilities

There are many developing centers in which qualified specialists help develop the creative potential of the child, to become more sociable in communicating with peers, teach adapt to new conditions. Visiting educational classes help the preschooler improve attention and memory. They instigate him and configure it on the learning process.

Many parents prefer home preparation for the school process. In order to properly organize classes, it is necessary to analyze the ability of the child. You can identify weak points and fill the missing knowledge. All cognitive processes are better carried out in a game form. Do not overdo with the load, otherwise you will select the desire to do.

The basic preparation should be aimed at studying the basics of writing and reading, on the tasks of the mathematical direction, on the development of creative abilities, acquaintance with the environment. The child perceives new information for the first half an hour. Then his attention becomes scattered, so it is necessary to take breaks.

The development of mathematical abilities is not easy to give children. This process should occur gradually and without a rush. Do not go to the new material if the child has not learned the current one. For better absorption of information, use bright memorable materials.

Use developing tasks for children 5-6 years. In mathematics, he must be able to:

  • Read from 1 to 10, including in reverse order.
  • Calculate the number of objects within the first dozen.
  • Be able to write numbers up to 10.
  • Compare two numbers, summing up or take away.
  • Discern geometric shapes.
  • To divide the object.



  1. Measure and compare the length.

Spread several color pencils on the table of different lengths. The child needs to be measured by the length of each pencil ruler. Arrange pencils in order - from smaller to more.

  1. Puzzles with geometric shapes.

Cut from paper 10 square cards. In the center of each, draw a geometric shape and carefully cut off with scissors. Place the cut out cards in the row. Below in parallel in the free order, spread the geometric shapes. The child must call the shape and fold the puzzle with the corresponding card.

Geometric puzzles

Geometric puzzles

  1. We draw geometric shapes.

Draw on a landscape sheet 10 rectangles placed in length. Each of them split the line into two square fields. In the left square, draw a geometric shape, and there are several small figures inside it. The child needs to draw the same figure in the right field and calculate the number of small figures inside the large geometric.

  1. The composition of the number.

Draw in a number of 10 circles. Some of them felt the felt-tip pen. In the next row, draw an arbitrary number of stars, slightly sneak. For this principle, form 5 rows. Ask a child to count the number of figures of each row and tell you from what they consist.

For example, 10 circles consist of 4 painted and 6 transparent.

  1. Communication between the number and picture.

Draw several rows with a variety of pictures in different numbers. For example, in the first row of 6 emoticons, in the second 3 cube, in the third 5 flowers, etc. At the bottom write a list of numbers corresponding to the number of objects of each row. All digits circle in a circle. Offer the child from each figure to bring the arrow to a row with so much objects.

  1. We draw figures by points.

Draw a figure using points. Each sign serial numbers. Invite the child to connect the points, and call any object of the same form as the resulting figure.



  1. Compare numbers.

Divide the sheet in half. On the left and right, draw the same items of different amounts into the line.

For example, on the left three circles, on the right four circles. The task of the child is to calculate the number of items, and arrange inequality signs. Such  developing tasks for children 5-6 yearshelp the crumb prepare for school.

Speech development: Useful tasks for a child in 5-6 years?

At the age of 5-6 years, the child is significantly expanding the vocabulary. At this age, children begin to read the first books in the syllables. For the development of speech, uncomplicated tasks with a child of 5-6 years.

Writing and reading classes should lead to the following skills. Child in 5-6 years:

  • Can learn verse and retell a fairy tale.
  • Sign with a sound-letter scheme.
  • Disasters vowels and consonant letters, reads letters and syllables.
  • Finds the desired letter in the word, can call words on this letter.
  • Divides words to syllables.
  • It can describe a process or picture using various parts of speech.
  • Makes up complex offers.


Tasks for the development of speech with a child of 5-6 years:

  1. We divide the words on the syllables.

Write a few words with printed letters. Offer the child to break it on the syllables, emphasize the vowels and consonant letters, put the emphasis.

  1. Key letter.

Name the child letter. Ask him to list the animals in the name of which there is this letter. Next, change the letter. Offer to call plants with such a letter at the beginning or middle of the word.

  1. Vowels and consonants.

Write a few words by cells. Ask the child vowel letters to color in blue, and the consonants are red.

  1. Letter in the word.

Give the child to learn quadruses. Ask to tell it to you, increasing the intonation in words, as part of which is the letter "and".

  1. Multivalued words.

Write 3-4 words, one of which will have a double value. Child needs to find this word. Cheer its value if difficulties arise.

  • For example - comb, scallop, cap. Scallop - word dual value.
  • Pen, pencil, notebook. Handle - word dual value.


  1. We make words.

Write a child a list of words from which you can make new, changing only one letter.

For example, fishing rod, mole, screen, barrels, thunderstorm. We remove the first letter and get new words.

Development of attention and memory: tasks for children 5-6 years

At the age of 5-6 years, children are already able to concentrate on one process. When memorizing information, the child already connects the logic and association. Train your memory with the memorization of the washers and songs and others Developing tasks for children 5-6 years.

With the help of various classes, the preschooler must be able to:

  • Find the same subjects
  • Notice the differences in the pictures
  • Repeat the heard chain of words
  • Memorize and reproduce past events
  • Work on the job

Tasks for the development of attention with a child of 5-6 years:

  1. Find differences.

Draw or print two cards with the same pictures, but with some differences. Show the child the first card - give him a few minutes to remember it. Then remove it and show the drawing with the missing items. The child must name the missing items.

Find a difference

Find a difference

  1. Association.

Adult reads out loud various words. The child must pick up and call for each word several associations. Help your thoughts in the right direction.

  1. Development of thinking.

Name the child two arbitrary words. Ask you to use them in a small story. The story can be supported by the drawing.

  1. We remember the ear.

Read the child with a chain of paired words.

For example, the sun is warm, plate - buckwheat, shower - soap. At the next stage, only call the first words, and let the child remember a couple of them.

  1. Drawing on memory.

Show the child a simple drawing or pattern. Offer the child to reproduce it in memory.

Draw a memory

Draw a memory

  1. We consider the figures.

Draw on the entire sheet square, draw it on small squares. In each of them, please visit different geometric shapes that must repeat and repeatedly meet. The child needs to consider how much of each of the figures is found on this field.

Tasks for children 5-6 years on the development of logical thinking

In 5-6, the child develops creative thinking. He comes up with his games. Draws filled pictures. Builds complex designs. Connects logic to your mindset during action. The child is trying to connect objects and properties that are not amenable to the logic of an adult. Specifies questions by studying the appointment of various items. Puts forward his points of view. Begins to notice the inconsistency of words with reality. Do not prohibit the child to participate in adult processes.

With the help of exercises, the child must be obtained:

  • Establish the relationship between the subject and phenomenon
  • Solve logical tasks
  • Inform
  • Invent non-standard solutions
  • Find common characteristics of objects
  • Combine objects on a common basis
Child development

Child development

Tasks for the development of logical thinking with a child of 5-6 years:

  1. Objects of the same color.

Offer the child to find things of one color in the environment around you. Sort the mosaic or cubes in colors.

  1. Sign of items.

Draw or spread four items in a number, three of which will have a general feature. Ask a child to find an extra object.

For example, the three subjects of stationery and one kitchen affiliation.

  1. Professions.

Print pictures of people of different professions. Let the child call each and tell what she lies.

  1. We make a story.

Name the child a few words of one action. Ask it to set the sequence of events and tell about the perfect action.

For example, a set of words - fire, fence, cat. Offer - a cat sat on the fence and looked at the fire.

  1. We combine words.

List a few words combined for some sign. Ask to call them in one word. For example, cat, dog, horse, tiger, lion - animals. Bread, candy, cabbage, buckwheat - food.

We teach crumb to think

We teach crumb to think

  1. I believe - I do not believe.

You tell about something in one sentence. He must say believes or does not believe in these words. If he is mistaken, be sure to explain to him the correct answer.

For example, in winter, the water in the river is warm. The child must say this or not and justify its decision.

Tasks for children 5-6 years on the development of physical abilities

At the age of 5-6 years, children love active games very much. Spend a lot of time on playgrounds. Overcome various obstacles.

Physical skills of a child in 5-6 years:

  • Overcomes long distances.
  • Plays games with a ball with accurate coordination.
  • Keeps balance on various swings.
  • Without fear, copes with crossbars on the horizons.
  • Able to withstand long trips.
  • To take an active desire to ride the rides her age category.
  • Confident maneuvering in the labyrinths and vertical ladders.
P. development

P. development

Targets for the development of the physical abilities of children 5-6 years:

  1. Roller skating, skateboarding, scooter, bicycle.
  2. Spending time in an aqueous environment, with the aim of teaching swimming skills.
  3. Participation in team sports games.
  4. Organization of sports corner at home.
  5. Participation in competitions, relay races.
  6. Employment with a hoop, rope, fitball.

Tasks for children 5-6 years: Learn about the world

At preschool age, the child's growing interest in the study of the surrounding world. Every day he learns new information from parents and external sources. Do not ignore his questions and replenish his basic knowledge. Preschooler should study the flora and fauna.

What should know the child is 5-6 years for the environment:

  • The name and purpose of objects that surround it.
  • Guess the familiar object on its description.
  • Call the animals to distinguish between wild and domestic.
  • Calling birds, migratory know.
  • Know the name of the trees and plants.
  • Distinguish vegetables, fruits and berries.
We watch the world

We watch the world

Targets on the knowledge of the world for children 5-6 years:

  1. We are looking for a couple.

Prepare pictures of adult animals and separately with their cubs. Mix them together. Encourage your child to make a pair - every adult to find the baby.

  1. Animals.

Call your child a variety of animals. His task is to take it to the house, or wild. Talk about its habitat.

  1. Sort yield.

Print out the baby pictures of fruits, vegetables, berries. Suggest sort them separately, referring to the process of each of them.

development of preschool children

development of preschool children

  1. We describe the subject.

Show your child pictures of various household items. He should call him and describe its purpose.

  1. Dry the herbarium.

Gather with your child leaves with a variety of plants and trees for a herbarium. Study in the course of their names and characteristics.

  1. Natural phenomena.

Write a list of the various natural phenomena. Encourage your child to distribute them to the seasons.

Tasks for children 5-6 years on the development of creativity and fine motor skills

At preschool age, the child must be smooth coordination of hands. For the development of creative abilities of children maintain fantasy, imagination and ingenuity.

The child should be able to:

  • Carefully cut and trace the contour drawings.
  • Sculpt from plasticine figure with small parts.
  • Know how to use a needle and thread.
  • Collect the designers of small parts.
  • Draw a picture on a given topic.
  • Make crafts out of scrap materials.

Targets for the development of creativity and fine motor skills to children 5-6 years:

  1. Lepim.

Collect a variety of shapes according to the schemes. Try to mold the letters or numbers. Sculpting the characters from the fairy tale. Design geometric shapes using clay and toothpicks.

  1. Draw.

Encourage your child to mix colors and get a new color. Paint pictures. Depicting dresses for paper dolls. Paint landscapes of the seasons.



  1. Making the application.

Perform application specific subject, a single image. For example, tree, flower, house. Gradually complicate the work, adding the story. For example, a tree near the river, a flower in a vase, a small house in the woods. Use the natural materials - cones, acorns, flowers.

  1. Collect puzzle.

Cut any image for large parts. If the child can easily cope with it, reduce the size of the puzzle. Gradually complicate the task.

  1. Dorisovyvat pictures.

Draw on the leaf in the box half symmetrical pattern. For example, the left side of the butterfly, the left side of man, the left part of the figure. child task to finish on the model of the right side.

Learn with your child

Learn with your child

  1. Drawing from cereals.

Draw a pencil outline of the image. Encourage your child to complete the picture by gluing different kinds of groats.

Tasks for children 5-6 years: develop social skills

To make sure the child in contact with their peers and not get lost in an unfamiliar environment, already in 5-6 years, he must have the following social skills and knowledge:

  • Know your name, gender, family composition, parents' profession.
  • To know the address, contact phone number.
  • Distinguish between the days of the week, months, seasons, times of the day.
  • Choosing the right way to communicate, to know the rules of conduct in public places.
  • Be proactive and curiosity in learning.
  • Know the different types of sports and popular professions.
  • To be able to interact with other children, share toys.
  • Take care of their appearance, personal hygiene.
  • To know the culture of its people, traditions and holidays.
Getting ready for school

Getting ready for school

Targets for the development of social skills with a child 5-6 years:

  1. Encourage your child to fill out a form with your personal data.
  2. Ask to talk about the city in which he lives. About the traditions and culture of our people.
  3. Teach empathy and attention, to provide assistance and care. The animals or plants can act as an assistant for the manifestation of these qualities.
  4. Play role-playing games, adjusting the child's behavior in the process. Play games with rules.
  5. Learn the rules of the road, rules of behavior, the rules of etiquette.
  6. Teach the child to resolve disagreements and negotiate.

Video: child development 5-6 years: most important