Why does the child writes numbers and letters in a mirror reflection: reasons what to do? How to fix a mirror writing of letters and numbers in children: tips, exercises


Why a child, first grader writes numbers and letters mirror.

From the article you will learn whether the problem is the writing by the child of alphabetic and digital characters mirror, whether to worry and how to correct the situation.

Why does the child writes numbers and letters in mirror reflection: reasons

What is the reason for the appearance of a mirror letter in children? The study of this phenomenon is carried out taking into account special samples: the mirror writing is viewed as the dysgram, the phenomenon of right-handers with the "writing" right hand is also allocated.

  • The mirror handwriting (letters and numbers are written on the right) is observed with a low level of development of spatial thinking relative to their own body.
Entries in the diary of Leonardo da Vinci

Entries in the diary of Leonardo da Vinci

  • Children with a pronounced mirror handwriting make mistakes when determining the sides: where the right, and where is the left, cannot specify where which hand or leg.
  • The perception of the visual series and its generalization is formed in a lack of extent.
  • Among the causes of the "Handwriting of Leonardo", specialists allocate too quick development of the letter of writing with printing symbols.
  • The relationship between the letter symbol and its meaning, children may not capture or assimilate the relationship to insufficiently.
Dysgraphy is observed in children of a nitch school

Distraphy is observed in elementary school children

Leonardo da Vinci in numerous diaries wrote a mirror, as evidenced by the latest research. In honor of the genius, this phenomenon has gained the name "Handwriting Leonardo". This method of writing is observed in kids with typical development.

Children who have disguised disgregates are distinguished by the special perception of the 3D of the three-dimensional image (three-dimensional) - when the right or left field of central or peripheral vision records the space in a distorted version.

  • The "Defect window" includes a near 3D image, namely the distance to 30-40 cm. Turn on this site, the picture is displayed as if in the opposite.
  • Here the image is mirrored.
Mirror letter in children

Mirror letter in children

  • A child who has a phenomenon of a mirror writing, nothing remains, how to write graphic symbols that have fallen into the section "Defect windows" as it sees them, namely, inverted mirrored.
  • Dysgraphy may be observed in children without a pronounced violation of the 3D space perception. This may be a violation of image perception in a short distance. As for far distance, there may be violations of perception and not observed.

Localization of the reverse perspective can be compared with a peculiar "window". In this area and the defect of the near 3D space lies, which is referred to as the Scientific Environment "Lobachevsky space".

Distraphia in children

Distraphia in children

Symbols and numbers, falling into the space Lobachevsky, are mirrored as in the vertical direction and horizontal. The mirror handwriting is observed when letters or numbers in the defect zone are occurring during the letter. The child simply perceives the image "as sees."

  • The presence of such mechanisms that contribute to the emergence of the disgrace at the physiological level in the child is the diagnostic criterion.
Relief of the left-handed child to write with the right hand - one of the reasons for the disgrace

Relief of the left-handed child to write with the right hand - one of the reasons for the disgrace

  • They are found as a change in perception, and are markers of the effectiveness of psychophysiological or neuropsychological adjustment.
  • A child with a pronounced pathognomonic phenomenon, rewriting with the text or magazine text, allows some mirror errors. However, trying to write in memory, it "turns" the letter and digital symbols of the mirror.
  • The phenomenon of the mirror handwriting manifests itself at the stage of mastering the letters skill together with other errors against the background of the normal development of the child.
In a child with disgrace, the connection between the hemispheres of the brain is formed in a lack of extent

In a child with disgrace, the connection between the hemispheres of the brain is formed in a lack of extent

What causes the reasons for the fact that the child is mirror (writes mirrored)?

  • As one of the reasons - psychological factors.
    The impact is eligible - and left-handed, sexuality.
  • Written early texts can also cause mirror writing. The page with which the child began to write text, the place on the page leads to the emergence of the "Handwriting of Leonardo".

An example of a mirror handwriting in a child

Among the factors of optical dysgraphy can be called the following:

  • An analysis of visual images and space is formed to be insufficient (the child has a violated understanding of the form, the size of the surrounding items, which place they occupy relatively other things and relative to each other).
  • Spectatic analysis and synthesis does not give a solid spatial picture.
  • Visible images of letters are not different.
    Not fully formed alphabetic gnosis - visual perception and recognition of alphabetic and digital values.

What children are in the risk zone for the emergence of a mirror letter?

  • "Handwriting Leonardo" has been found in children 6-7 years in the process of mastering written skills.
  • Children of preschool age who have not learned to sufficiently information about the magnitude and shape of the surrounding things.
  • Children who hardly determine the spatial location of things.
  • Children of primary classes that make mistakes when using prepositions to designate the location of the localization (location) of objects in space, or not knowing the values \u200b\u200bof these prepositions.
  • Children who have a working hand are left, but "retired" writing with their right hand. Such students reproduce the lines directed to the right left, the letters and numbers are directed from the bottom up.

Mirror writing is found in children 6-7 years

How to fix a mirror writing in children: tips

How to identify the background of the "Handwriting of Leonardo" on time?

  • Arrange two handles or wands in front of the child: one is simply put up vertically. Another hand is put on the right at right angles to the first.
  • Suggest a child to repeat your actions with other chopsticks. It can attach a second handle or a wand to a vertically located "Mirror" - on the left.
  • This happens when transferred to a volumetric paper, simple forms, figures. The child copies seen sample, but tolerates it on paper in a mirror reflection.
  • If the mirror handwriting is partially manifested, this indicates a non-systematic, random manifestation of a phenomenon. We are talking about writing in the mirror reflection of individual letters.

Phenomenon of Distracy in children

Therefore, to correct "Handwriting Leonardo", which takes place in the case of writing some letters - does not make sense. It is necessary to get rid of the problem as a whole.

Tips for eliminating mirror writing:

  • Before you start to correct the mirror handwriting, you must conduct a preparatory stage. Purpose of pre-work - teaching a child orientation skill in space, relative to itself, on a sheet of paper.
  • The child needs to be assimilated, where the right, and where - the left side, know, from which side there is a certain part of the body.
  • After purchasing a steady skill on recognizing the right and left sides, you can move to the next step: the development of the skill to unmistakably navigate in its own body. To offer a child to show your left ear, right hand, right leg, left cheek.
  • Given the right and left side, the child must learn to navigate the surrounding space. The task of an adult at this stage will be an explanation of the location of the objects regarding his body, relative to other items: for example, the fact that close to the right hand is on the right, the left-handed items are on the left.
  • The same exercises are conducted regarding the location of the notebook in relation to the magazine, the book. After assimilating the peculiarities of the spatial location of things, the child will understand, to the right or to the left of the vertical stick need to be drawn, and from which side in the letter "Yu" writing an oval.
Causes of the emergence of the Distraphy

Causes of the emergence of the Distraphy

Video: Dysgraphy in children and sand therapy

Video: Dysgraphy. Causes and consequences

How to fix a mirror writing of letters and numbers in children: exercises

Exercises for the correction of "Mirror" Letters:

  • Prepare cards, stencils, cubes for reproducing letters of letters.
  • In the process of the letter to offer a child with a finger in the letter, on the line of the letter.
  • Suggest the child to circle a finger in the air, accompanying the look and progressing.
  • Writing graphic dictates: dash, point, cage down, two cells up, four cells to the right, the cell up, two cells to the right).
  • Develop the ability to memorize visual images.
    Repeat various movements, reproduce the cornement (months, days of the week).
  • Develop a shallow man's hand, applying such techniques as a massage, self-massage fingers, finger games, modeling plasticine, stroke, stringing pictures.
  • Suggest a child to simulate letters from sticks, from elements of other letters: the letter "H" can be transformed into the letter "P", by moving one stick. Name or show letters that consist of three elements (f, and, s, me), or from two (y, h, t). Reconstruct the letter from several elements - oval, seed, long or short wand.

Video: Dysgraphy: problems when reading