New Year signs and superstition about the Christmas tree, toys, New Year's table, for the performance of desires, money and wealth, love, happiness, good luck, health, marriage, child birth

New Year's signs

Signs and superstitions in the new year.

Vintage signs and traditions for the New Year were able to enter each family, they go from one generation to another. But despite this, people seek to join the culture and traditions more, in order to once again leave all the negative behind, but to take with them the new year only the best.

If you want you to pursue you in the coming year only luck, then you should learn more about New Year's signs.

New Year's signs about the Christmas tree, toys

The rite, during which the New Year's beauty is decorated, has a multitude of various superstitions:

  • Toys for the Christmas tree. Decorate the Christmas tree only with balls, as they symbolize a quiet life, in which there will be no troubles and problems.
  • As the top, select a star that remove the last, but hang first.
  • The toy you remove the last, do not put in the box to the rest of the decorations. Hold it over the main entrance to the house. She will protect you and your accommodation from cunning people and deceivers.
  • If you are intense run Some kind of toy, do not be afraid - it will not bring anything wrong. Just when you throw out fragments, make a desire that will undoubtedly come true.
You should choose balls for the Christmas tree

You should choose balls for the Christmas tree

  • Place installation of the Christmas tree and time when throwing it away. The Christmas tree is considered a wonderful guard. Its positive energy strength is very strong. Accordingly, leave a small twig, or a little needles. Hide them in a secret place - so you protect your home and relatives of the unifunciers.
  • Remember, where there was a Christmas tree, there will be a positive energy for a long time. Put a chair or stool there, and periodically sit there. Believe me, you will disappear the diseases that you were disturbed earlier. Throw out the Christmas tree after January 14th, and do not forget to leave a twig or needle after it.
The place where the tree is worth, has positive energy

The place where the tree is worth, has positive energy

New Year's signs and superstition about New Year's table, champagne

According to New Year's superstitions and signs, there should be many dishes and treats on the solemn desk. Only this way you put the animal and you can spend the coming year peacefully and in consent.

  • Give the honorable place on the holiday table bread and salt - they are considered symbols of the well-being of the family.
  • Buy products for the celebration in advance so that the table is rich in the night for the new year.
  • If you even decide to celebrate the New Year from relatives or friends, place as many products as possible in the refrigerator so that you do not have to worry about food next year.
  • The more diverse dishes you put on the table, the better the coming year will pass.
  • The next superstition concerns the New Year's drink - champagne. When they begin to beat the chimes, be sure to be choking his glass about a glass of guests.
Signals with the New Year's Table and Champagne

Signals with the New Year's Table and Champagne

  • If you are planning to get married or marry, then you choose a glass with your loved one. If you are already married, then first with guests, and then only with your second half.
  • Very interesting sign with a slight piece of paper. It is as follows: Write a desire on a piece of paper, burn it and throw it into a glass with champagne. Hurry up to have a drink before the clock is trying 12 times. Believe me, the desire will surely come true.
  • If you celebrate with friends and relatives, then drink the last glass of champagne. If you believe the signs, the person who drinks the last drink from the bottle will be happy and successful in the coming year.
  • Spend another ritual on New Year's Eve: when the chimes are started to beat, take a glass filled with champagne in the palm, and in the palm of his right hand coin. You can put some money in your pocket, most importantly, so that you have a small money.

New Year's signs for the fulfillment of desires

Many people know about the new year's coming for the new year. If you also want your cherished dream to come true, then come true the one in which you unconditionally believe.

If you want to only check, then do not make it up. Since it may turn out a completely different result, not the one you expect.

  • Put on New Year's Eve in your pocket coin. During the battle of the Kurats, put a coin into a glass with champagne and make something that you have long been dreaming. Drink the whole drink. After that, make a small hole in the coin and wear it as a charm or talisman.
Hang a miniature of cherished desire on the Christmas tree

Hang a miniature of cherished desire on the Christmas tree

  • Hang on the Christmas tree thing that symbolizes your desires. Come to the choice with all the soul - find the miniature of your cherished desire or make it yourself, for example, toy airplane, palm tree, spa shot, where you want to go.
  • And if you hang a heart on the Christmas tree, then you may be married next year.

New Year's signs and superstitions for money and wealth

Never meet the New Year without putting money or coin in your pocket. And try not to spend this money next year, we carry them in constantly with you as attracting the wealth of the talisman.

To attract money and wealth, you will be helped by the following rituals:

  • Take a small red pouch. Put the copper coin in this bag (the rush should look up). Hide the bag in the refrigerator, as deeper. Coins will attract money and success in the coming year.
  • For a solemn table, put seven different dishes, including drinks.
  • If you want to attract money and good luck, then meet the new year in a new image, for example, make a new hairstyle or dressed new shoes.
Signs for wealth in the new year

Signs for wealth in the new year

  • Hide the coin under some kind of plate of the solemn table. The person who will eat from this dishes will be rich and very happy in the coming year.
  • Located on the New Year's table a new tablecloth, preferably snow-white.
  • Put several oranges on the table. These fruits are able to attract money into the house and are the best cash talisman.

Specifications: Meet the New Year with debts and no debts

If you want your financial situation to spoil relations with native people, did not become an obstacle to the new goals, try to get rid of debts. You may seem that it is difficult enough, since the New Year's Eve is the time of high costs.

But the energy strength of the last seven days before the New Year makes it possible to get rid of trouble and problems accompanying you in the outgoing year. This superstition is considered the most favorable, thanks to which you get rid of many harmful habits, unnecessary connections and, of course, money debts.

Give all debts before the new year

Give all debts before the new year

Before the new year comes, try not to borrow money, do not lend money, and if you yourself have some debts, be sure to distribute them. If you do not, then the next year will bring you a misfortune and poverty.

Sketches: meet the new year alone

If suddenly you have to celebrate the New Year alone, you should know what it can lead to:

  • If you are not married or not married, then you are contraindicated to celebrate New Year one or one. Otherwise, you can stay alone next year.
  • Accordingly, if you have had such a situation, try to find a company with which your holiday will be held. Remember, the company is needed correct. Do not invite someone you do not know or doubt his sincerity.
Do not meet the new year alone

Do not meet the new year alone

  • If suddenly you still stayed on New Year's Eve alone, do not be discouraged. Prepare your favorite dishes for yourself and put the best champagne on the table. As soon as the new year comes, walk down the street, you may find familiar and friends, and spend the rest of the night with them.

New Year signs and superstitions for love and marriage

If you want a wedding with your loved one, then do the following:

  • Keiling and hug your loved one during the battle of the Kurats.
  • If you dream that the baby appears in your future family, then you need to celebrate the New Year, we have a mysset on the right hand.
  • Try not to swear with your loved one before the new year. Yes, at all, do not get sick with anyone.
Hugging each other during the battle of the Kurats

Hugging each other during the battle of the Kurats

  • If you have no second half, then you need to make gifts with seven kids. Thus, you will create a good energy that will be aimed at marriage or marriage.
  • If you want to create a strong union with your chosen one, then take it with neat champagne. But try not to do this if you are visiting not to be in a ridiculous situation.

Specz: Meet New Year on the road

Not very good to celebrate the New Year on the way. Often, due to bad weather, flights, trains and buses are postponed, have to celebrate the holiday on the road.

If you suddenly have to celebrate the New Year on the way, then you may find a new pleasant friend. You should always know what you meet the New Year, so you will spend it.

And this can lead to the fact that you will be constantly on the whole coming year. This is something nice, as you can expect a variety of travel and unforgettable trips.

But this is not the most important thing. Remember, in the New Year it does not matter where you will have a celebration. The most important thing is that you have a wonderful mood and good company.

New Year's signs and superstitions good luck and happiness

If you want in the new year with you there are always luck, then our superstitions and signs will help you:

  • Try to drink the latest wineglass before the new year. To do this, you need to trace all the guests and have a drink before the clock will show 12 hours.
  • And this interesting idea will attract happiness to you: just kiss any grain grandfather.
Signals to the meeting of the New Year

Signs for good luck and happiness

  • After the new year comes, foster the boy's head. If you will not be a boy next to you, then intend any animal male, for example, a cat.
  • As soon as the new year comes, operate on the entire door, call good luck to yourself, and all negative drive.
  • Try not to do anything difficult to do the first day of the coming year, otherwise you will work the entire coming year.

New Year's fees on health

From ancient times, people on this night froze ordinary water in a spoon. If bubbles appear in this spoon, then health will be strong, and the person himself will live for a very long time.

  • If you want in the coming year to have a good health, then the day before the holiday is perforating well. So you can get rid of negative energy.
  • On New Year's Eve, do not drink a lot of alcoholic beverages and try to celebrate the New Year in a relaxed atmosphere.

Sign: get sick in the new year

Good New Year will accept and superstitions are a lot, but there are bad. Many people believe in the fact that, if you get sick before the new year, and feel bad on New Year's Eve, then the whole coming year is a man. Believe or not, you must decide for yourself.

New Year's posts for pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy and the birth of the baby - this is, of course, good. But what are the signs and superstitions there are related to these positive events?

  • If you are waiting for a child, you must start the first to eat on the New Year's table. Then your childbirth will be held very quickly and without difficulty.
  • If you feed the newborn baby with breasts, do not invite guests themselves. After that, your baby will be restless throughout the year.
New Year Pregnancy

New Year Pregnancy

  • If you have twins or twins on the first day of the year, then you need to distribute forty alms, otherwise the fate of your karapuse will be unhappy.

Sleep in New Year's Eve: Signs

There is such a sign that rarely comes true: you will certainly visit luck, if you light almost before the new year. You must do this not specifically, otherwise you will not get the expected result.

Chip on New Year's Eve: Sick

This sign is very interesting. If you are chihnet on New Year's Eve, then luck and luck will be awaiting you all year. In your house there will be a year-round wealth. If you cannot sneeze, then you can use aloe juice, which causes Chihanye.

Also, many people believe that the guy who sneezes on New Year's Eve, will meet a girl. How many times he sneezes, so many girls fall in love with him.

Monthly New Year's Eve: Sick

Monthly for the new year can talk about different:

  • If you have a monthly day on New Year's Eve, then in the coming year you are waiting for some replenishment.
  • Also monthly on the New Year can bring you new love relationships, marriage, pregnancy.

Specs: cry in New Year's Eve

If you will cry for the new year - then the whole coming year will be sad. Tears on New Year's Eve brought only despondency and sadness. Accordingly, try during the holiday and at the table is not sad and do not swear with anyone, but even more so cry.

Specifications: New Year's Lingerie

On New Year's Eve, it is customary to wear new things. Many people believe that if you put something from the clothes new ones, the coming year will be successful.

Men are best to wear new socks, but a woman is desirable new underwear. But what laundry is suitable for New Year's celebration?

  • First of all, you need to consider where you will celebrate the holiday and in what will be the outfit.
  • Choose that underwear, in which there is a small piece of holiday, for example, a great option is the underwear of red. Frenchwomen claim that such underwear is scaring mercantile guys and men, but attracts successful, beautiful, rich.
Dress up beautiful underwear in the new year

Dress up beautiful underwear in the new year

  • Dress on New Year's Eve such underwear, which is different from what you wear daily.
  • If you plan to celebrate the new year alone with your loved one, then you can wear a sexy set, but only a new one.

Specs: Meet the New Year in the new apartment

If you purchased a new apartment on the eve and moved to it, then you will be interested in how you need to celebrate the New Year in the new housing.

  • Invite to the new apartment of relatives and loved ones.
  • Create in the apartment comfort and comfort.
  • Put flavored candles on the table.
  • Cut the cat - it is considered a symbol of home heat and family peace.
  • Put in the new apartment a live Christmas tree and put as much greens on the festive table.
Be sure to place the Christmas tree in the new apartment

Be sure to place the Christmas tree in the new apartment

These all signs and superstition will help you in the coming year to find good luck and success.

New Year's sign with a new broom

A broom is a useful acquisition that can be New Year's Talisman. If you expect a good luck from the new year, then do the following: take a new broom, take a red ribbon on it and put into one of the corners of the house so that the broom's handle is at thenime. This symbol will not only become your indispensable assistant, it will also attract wealth and wealth to the house.

Video: New Year signs