When will 12 desires go for 12 days under the pillow? How to correct 12 desires for 12 days for the new year and christmas to come true?


Recommendations for the riddling of New Year's and Christmas desires so that they are executed.

A person is difficult to live without dreams and desires. They show us the direction of movement in life, are an indicator of maturity and liveliness.

Perhaps since the division of the earth's year to the beginning and completion, people began to dream more before the new ones. In this case, a person is more relaxed. He, as if he lays the flight of his desires to the will.

In our society, their traditions and rituals for riddling desires have been formed. We tend to think more about them on the night before the New Year and on the eve of Christmas. These days are special in terms of energy and openness to cosmic streams.

How to correctly formulate desires when, that you need to consider at the time of the riddling - consider in more detail.

Which 12 desires for 12 days Write on paper under the pillow: list

the girl makes up a wish list to choose New Year's or Christmas night

the girl makes up a wish list to choose New Year's or Christmas night

Desires for New Year and Christmas ghosts cover various spheres of our life. They come and:

  • material
  • spiritual
  • for self-realization
  • to help others

The initial data before riddling the desires we have different, because the latter of each person is so diverse.

Below as an example, a list of desires for New Year's and Christmas ghosts. Select your 12 or invent by analogy with examples. So:

  • strong, align the weight to ... kg,
  • give a birth to a baby,
  • get married (the name of the real man) to such a date or at a specific date,
  • pay all money debts to banks, borrowers, parents to a specific date,
  • rest in Thailand in a concrete month with a loved one (the name of a real man),
  • buy new (used) car brand such that is so color,
  • change work on such something with such a schedule of work, with such duties and such a level of monthly payment,
  • visit the festival / training of such a coach / lecturer,
  • move away from parents to your home / apartment, located in such a city in such a part of it on such a street,
  • win in the lottery such a sum
  • under the course of recovery in such a center at such a specialist,
  • to visit such countries as a traveler,
  • write and publish a book about the fact that
  • unlock your business such before the annual turnover into so many monetary units,
  • establish relationships with parents to warm and spiritual,
  • meet your future husband and father of our children,
  • change the style of your life to such something, with such a routine of the day and such as the capabilities,
  • become a regular participant of such a club for such a goal,
  • visit such holy places and pray there
  • read such books,
  • master such a profession
  • go to healthy food, completely eliminate meat and shop bread from your diet,
  • learn to prepare vegetarian dishes
  • grow healthy beautiful hair and wear only dresses,
  • learn to think positively and surround yourself with the same people
  • help the child to restore health to such a state. Add a list of healthy manifestations,
  • open your center such for such people. In this case, be sure to register the nuances - the cost of opening, the number of personnel, the fund of their wage, the routine of work on time and the proposed services, partners, globality, and so on.

When are 12 New Year and Christmas desires with notes under the pillow?

young couple dreaming in New Year's Eve

young couple dreaming in New Year's Eve

The answer lies in the question. Once under the pillow, it means the night when you sleep.

And for the New Year and for Christmas, go to bed until 3 o'clock in the morning on January 1 and January 7, respectively. Up to this point, all your notes with desires must already lie under your pillow.

How to formulate and make up 12 New Year and Christmas desires so that they come true?

magic pencil writes girl's desires in the right time in the New Year or Christmas night

magic pencil writes girl's desires in the right time in the New Year or Christmas night

The desire is able to fulfill faster and for you to joy in cases of observance of a number of actions:

  • maximum specifics - formulate a desire with all the smallest details. Then the universe will find a way to execute it, taking into account all the input conditions indicated to you,
  • faith in his execution,
  • a specific detailed plan for achieving the desired - break the desire to the components from one type of action. Near everyone, think over and write down the list of actions for implementation. Next to note the ways of their execution that you are able to apply,
  • formulations in style of what you want. That is, the "non-" particle cannot be used,
  • your willingness to take responsibility for his execution - weigh the real consequences of its incarnation than you have to donate or how the schedule and the tempo of your life will change whether the interests of other people will be affected. Minimize the last moment
  • choose the right time and place to ridd up desires. Try to make it alone with you, then your concentration will be maximized.
  • start a notepad of desires in which the on the eve of the 100 most preferred. At the right time, review your records and select the 12 most
  • consciousness at the time of desire - listen to your inner voice. Give yourself a report in the reality of a riddown of one or another material desire, its probability for implementation next year,
  • make your desires, and not imposed by parents or society,
  • record them in a notebook or on a sheet that periodically flashes before your eyes. This is how your thinking and events around you are activated. You rethink the relevance of your own desire, add / change your tactics in its implementation,
  • visualization - Create collages, dream cards. If you are the owner of a bright imagination, we use more often, imagine yourself and relatives after the incarnation of your desire,
  • conduct workouts - days when you live like that your desire has already embodied,
  • come up with or use ready-made rituals at the time of the desires. For example, leafs under the pillow filled with desires completely on 12 leaves or only 10. The remaining 2 leave empty,
  • have a share of children's faith in miracles.

Winter fortune telling us with their magical power. In addition, the ancestors boldly used this time to determine / form their future.

Even if you do not really believe in the magic of New Year and Christmas nights, at the time of writing on paper your desires you will concentrate on them, think, which means subconsciously attract in your life. Check!

By the way, the method of 12 desires on sheets works until January 19 inclusive. So the time to pay you enough.

Video: How to correct the desire for christmas?