Can cats and cats give dog dry food, feed cats and cats with dog canned food? What is the difference between dog feed from cat feed? Cat eats dog food: reasons what consequences may be?

Can cats and cats give dog dry food, feed cats and cats with dog canned food? What is the difference between dog feed from cat feed? Cat eats dog food: reasons what consequences may be?

The difference between feline and dog food.

Dogs and cats are the most favorite pets. Every loving owner wants the best for his pet, so in order to extend the life of his pet and contribute to his good physical condition, it is necessary to feed it correctly. This uses special feed.

What is the difference between dog feed from cat feed?

It is worth noting that the composition of cats for cats and dogs is different. Therefore, in no case cannot be used cat feed for feeding dogs. The fact is that the feed is designed specifically for a certain group of pets. Accordingly, cat feed contains a greater amount of protein and fat. In addition, the vitamin composition is different.

Also in the cat's stern contains Taurine. This is a substance that improves metabolism and contributes to the best learning. Cats are much more movable than the dog. For the normal functioning of the body, food saturated with proteins and fats is necessary. The protein content in some feed can reach 70%.

Eat one meal

Eat one meal

Regarding dog feed, it is significantly different from food for cats. Because the protein content is only 15-25%. Reduced the amount of fat, while much higher than the content of carbohydrates. In the composition of dog feed there is no taurine, because it is produced in the body of these pets. In addition, in the composition of dog feed, much more calcium than in cats for cats.

Cat eats dog food

Cat eats dog food

Cat eats dog food: reasons what consequences may be?

Many owners of cats pay attention to the fact that their pets are glad to eat food for dogs. It was noticed by the owners of cats and dogs that regularly feed their animals. The fact is that the reasons for which the cat gives preference to the dog stern may be several.


  • Dog food better smells
  • Cat just a feline feed and want something new
  • Perhaps you're unbalanced your animal before

The most interesting thing is that at the initial stage, many cat owners can acquire dog food. The fact is that dog food is much cheaper. It is less bought in the stores, so it is often satisfied with the shares in large supermarkets and animal stores. The owners of cats can decide to save, believing that cats for cats and dogs are the same. In fact, it is not.

Favorite cat

Favorite cat

At the very beginning, there may be no consequences, from the fact that the cat will eat dog food. But the thing is that over time, the cat may begin health problems.


  • Cat has eyesight.
  • The state of wool is worse. It becomes less shiny falls.
  • Muscular mass is replaced with fatty. This is due to the fact that there are many carbohydrates in dog food, but few proteins. Accordingly, to maintain the muscular mass of the cat is not enough proteins.
  • Problems with gastrointestinal tract. Due to the fact that in the composition of the dog feed there is no taurine, food in the stomach of the cat is worse than recycled. There may be diarrhea, diarrhea and intestinal disorders.
  • Expect problems with bones, because as part of dog feeds a small amount of calcium and vitamin D.

Therefore, if you regularly feed the cat with a dog feed, it can seriously get sick. Thus, you will reduce the period of life, because unbalanced nutrition leads to a number of problems. It for example, how to feed a person with fast food, fried food and chips. The same happens with a cat when eating a dog feed.

Food for cats and dogs

Food for cats and dogs

Of course, if you rarely, your cat can eat with a dog bowl, then nothing will happen. But in no case cannot translate the cat on dog food, because it is fraught with serious consequences.

Is it possible to feed a cat, a cat dry or wet feline feed?

In general, veterinarians are not recommended to constantly feed cats exclusively dry feline food. It is necessary from time to time to acquire pate and wet canned food. Because dry food can cause the appearance of kidney stones, as well as problems with digestion. So try to alternate dry food and wet.

In addition, you can prepare a cat instead of wet canned food yourself. To do this, cook meat, as well as chicken loss. Cats are happy with such products with pleasure, as they contain a large amount of protein, as well as fat.

food for kittens

food for kittens

As you can see, it is impossible to replace cat food, feeding for dogs. Despite its low cost, the composition of the dogs for dogs is completely different from the feed for the cat in the nutrient content. Therefore, with a constant use of a cat of such feed, a number of health problems have been provoked by the occurrence of a number of health problems.

Video: Cat and dog food